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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Make a poster using photos of eyes you find on the internet. This will be due Friday! Make sure your photo assignments are uploaded to your blogs as well.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Next assignment

Feb. 9th........Next assignments due! Text/books (5), Silverware (5) and Shadows (5).
Think of arrangements, angles, lighting and contrast of light and dark!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snowy landscape info! Find your white balance and exposure buttons! IF you need to go off campus, get a field trip form in office!
Next Assignments are due Jan 27th for full Credit. Ms. D will be grading you!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Framing is the technique of drawing attention to the subject of your image by blocking other parts of the image with something in the scene.Read more:

Photo I took of my car!

Assignments! Heads up!

Your first assignments are due Thursday: Upclose, Night and Vehicles.
5 shots per assignment and are 5 points each.
New assignments are: Windows, Food, and Snowy landscape.
Due January 27th. Only photos submitted on time will get full credit.
You should manipulate at least one photo per assignment.